우체국보험 고객센터 Postal Insurance Customer Center

Postal Insurance Customer Center phone number and operating hours (Post Office Insurance Call Center)

Postal Insurance Customer Center


Postal insurance provides consultations on insurance subscription, taxation, direct debit, contract matters, insurance money, etc. through the customer center, and counseling is conducted by professional counselors. 우체국보험 고객센터

우체국보험 고객센터

Postal insurance-customer center-phone number-operating hours-information 좋은뉴스

Insurance-related tasks are divided into inbound and outbound, and inbound tasks include subscription inquiries, loan and tax related matters, contract matters, survival insurance money, accident insurance money, complaint inquiries, phone banking (ARS) insurance inquiries, internet transaction inquiries, and internet bulletin board responses. and so on. Outbound work includes happy call (confirmation of the 3 basics), thanks call (thank you for signing up), and information on requesting visits to insurance managers.


Postal Insurance Customer Center Phone Number Hours of Operation

The postal insurance customer center is largely divided into deposit, fund, and insurance, and operates different phone numbers. The post office customer center phone numbers related to deposits are 1599-1900 and 1588-1900, and provide general counseling related to deposits, such as deposit balance inquiry, transaction history inquiry, loss and accident consultation.


You can also call 1599-1900 and 1588-1900, the same as the deposit counseling phone number, for fund-related advice. On the other hand, the postal insurance customer center phone number is 1599-0100.



The postal insurance customer center mainly handles refund loans, insurance premium payment, direct debit, certificate customer information change, surgery, hospitalization, indemnity insurance, pension, insurance lapse revival, contract matters, cancellation, maturity, dividends, and dormant insurance payments. . Counseling hours are available from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays.


Consultations are not available on Saturday and Sunday weekends and statutory holidays. However, complaints and inquiries related to deposits can also be used on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. After 18:00, only some usage information and loss reports are connected to the night counselor (including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays).


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Postal Insurance-Deposit-Fund-Insurance-Inquiry-Phone number

Postal Insurance Q&A

▣ What if the policy holder or the insured does not sign directly when applying for insurance?


Legally, there are three major functions of a handwritten signature. The first is the identity verification function that the document creation participant and the signer are the same, and the second is the content confirmation function that proves that the document was signed knowing the contents.



The third function of the handwritten signature is the preservation of evidence that can be used as evidence in case of a dispute. Therefore, when applying for insurance, there is a risk of being restricted from receiving legal protection if the contractor or the insured does not sign directly, but signs on behalf of or without the contractor’s knowledge.



▣ If the insured person is a minor, how to sign the parental authority when the parents are divorced?


Minors under the age of 19 can engage in legal acts only with the consent of their parental authority. Therefore, when signing an insurance contract, which is a legal act, the parental authority (parent, parent) is required to obtain written consent and signature.



However, if the parents are divorced and sole parental authority is designated, the person with sole parental authority should sign in the signature column of the person with parental authority and write the reason for whether or not sole parental authority was granted following the divorce. Parental authority refers to the right and duty of a parent to protect a minor child, act as an agent, and manage property. A person with parental authority is a person who has the right to exercise parental authority.


Minor-representative-legal act-representative-person with parental authority

Since minors under the age of 19 can act legally only with the consent of their parental authority, when signing up for insurance, each parent’s signature is required, not the minor’s own. However, since a recruiter interview report is prepared at this time, it is absolutely necessary to have a minor child visit.


▣ Insurance subscription withdrawal period


Withdrawal of insurance subscription is possible within 15 days from the date of receipt of the insurance certificate and within 30 days from the date of contract. However, for telecommunication sales such as telephone or computer, the insurance subscription can be withdrawn within 30 days.



Cancellation of insurance can be requested by the policyholder at any time, but cancellation of insurance can be appealed when it falls under three major reasons. Possible reasons for insurance cancellation include non-signatures of the policyholder and the insured at the time of contract conclusion, non-delivery of the terms and conditions and subscription copy, and failure to explain important details of the terms and conditions (within 3 months from the date the contract was concluded).


After subscribing to postal insurance, various certificates (certificate of seal impression, confirmation of signature, basic certificate, certificate of family relationship, etc.) to be brought with you when handling business are valid only for those issued within 3 months from the issuance date. When changing contractors, valid identification cards are limited to resident registration cards, new driver’s licenses, and expired passports.

