농업경영체등록확인서 Agricultural business registration confirmation

Farmers must register as an agricultural business entity 1 in order to receive various subsidies and loans. Agricultural business registration confirmation (or certificate)2 is issued and can be used as proof of participation in businesses such as membership in the Agricultural Cooperative Federation, various tax benefits and auxiliary businesses. In the past, it was necessary … Read more

도로교통공단 이러닝센터 Road Traffic Authority e-Learning Center

The e-learning center is an online traffic safety education platform created by the Road Traffic Authority. We provide a variety of safety training, but there are cases where you must take it depending on your needs. The website provides education for elderly drivers, passenger carers, and traffic safety teachers. After registering as a member, anyone … Read more

연체기록 overdue record

Find out how to check overdue records and how long the records are deleted. As an adult, you can feel the importance of managing your credit rating, and the most detrimental part of this credit rating is when you fail to repay your money on time. After I opened a credit card, I almost became … Read more