사업자 등록번호 조회 Business registration number inquiry

Today, we are going to learn how to look up business registration numbers. Searching for this business registration number is more difficult than I thought. Let’s find out in the simplest way today. Business registration number inquiry is to check in advance whether the other party is a trustworthy business. This method cannot prevent all … Read more

사회복지사 보수교육 Social worker refresher training

After obtaining a social worker license, regular social worker refresher training is required. Continuing education refers to educating students about changes in their job duties or areas that may have been forgotten after acquiring a social worker. You can apply for refresher training for social workers at the Korean Social Workers Association’s refresher training center. … Read more

한전 전기요금 조회 KEPCO electricity rate inquiry

Before you pay your electricity bill, you can check the KEPCO electricity bill in advance with your smartphone. Until now, many people know that electricity usage can only be checked after it has been used. KEPCO electricity rate inquiry KEPCO electricity rate inquiry In February 2019, KEPCO started a service that informs you of the … Read more