우체국 간편사전접수 Simple pre-registration at the post office

Do you know the simple pre-registration at the post office? Courier delivery has become an indispensable means of transporting goods in our lives. However, if the courier goes on strike, as it is these days, both the recipient and the sender will experience inconvenience. So, many people use the post office delivery service, but there … Read more

65세 이상 혜택 65+ Benefits

If you or your parents are or soon to be 65, don’t miss today’s article. Today, we will summarize the government support benefits that can be received from the age of 65. (Latest update ▼) ▼ Organized around free discounts ▼ 65+ Benefits | Summary of Senior Welfare Benefits – App Application Download 65세 이상 … Read more

보건증 발급 병원 Health certificate issuing hospital

Are you curious about finding a hospital that issued a health certificate? hello! It is Ajae Life that shares useful life information in daily life. Today’s news is about finding a hospital that issued a health certificate (health examination result). Health certificate-issuance-hospital-find Health certificate = health examination result The name of the health certificate has … Read more

AB형 특징 Type AB Characteristics

Today, we are going to look at the characteristics of AB type men and women. Last time, we looked at the characteristics of type A, type O, and type B. I am enjoying watching it because it seems that the blood type is more accurate than the MBTI. Let’s take a look at the characteristics … Read more

LG 세탁기 서비스센터 LG washing machine service center

LG Washing Machine Service Center Phone Number Business Hours LG Electronics Customer Support Homepage Let’s learn about 2022. We have summarized the contents of the LG washing machine service center phone number, which contains tips for those who use LG electronics. Real-time news information Real-time news information Life information HOME life information LG Washing Machine … Read more