한글로 한자찾기 Search Chinese characters in Hangul

If you write a sentence automatically, there is a service that finds Chinese characters in Hangul. It is available for free and very simple to use. In addition to this, we will tell you one more conversion method for those who want to proceed with accurate Chinese character search.

한글로 한자찾기

Learn how to find Chinese characters in Hangul online.

▼To use the first method, you can use the automatic converter made by the Traditional Culture Research Association. If you access the “Hanjaro” site of the Traditional Culture Research Association, you can meet the program. 한글로 한자찾기


▼How to use the program is very simple. Once you access the site, there is an area on the left where you can enter the content. Enter the sentence you want to convert into Korean here. If you press the [Convert] button, sentences with Chinese characters added will appear as shown in the right area as shown below. 좋은뉴스


▼This time, I will tell you the second way to find Chinese characters in Hangul. This method may give more accurate results. I’m trying to use the dictionary site. Please access through search.


▼When you access the dictionary site, there is a search box on the main screen. Please enter the Hangul related to the Chinese character you are looking for here. If you type in Hangul as follows, several Chinese characters will appear through the auto-completion list. Select the text you are looking for here or click the search button. When you press the search button, several Chinese characters related to the corresponding Hangul appear, and you can select the one you were looking for.


▼I searched for the word “ancestor”. A detailed description of the word appears as well as the meaning of each Chinese character that makes up the word.


▼Related Chinese characters, words, and ancient idioms are additionally displayed. Please click here for detailed preliminary information. I’m going to click on the “Giving Line” box.


▼A page with detailed information about the character I selected was opened. You can see a lot of information such as number of copies, shape, Unicode, total number of strokes, level of difficulty, use of the Supreme Court, and various meanings.


▼ You can also do a reverse Korean search with Chinese characters. Click the [Handwriting recognizer icon] on the left of the [Search button] in the main screen. Then, a recognizer program that allows you to draw and input Chinese characters appears. Using this program, you can easily input Chinese characters by drawing the shape of the character with the mouse.