카카오바이크 요금 Kakao Bike Fee

type of bike
Kakao t Bike’s fare summary by distance and hourly. Comparison with G-Cooter, Ilecle, and Taxi

카카오바이크 요금

Kakao T
Kakao t bike fee
Classification Electric bike General bike
Region Seo-gu, Jeonju, Ulsan, Incheon, Seo-gu, Incheon (including Gimpo, Geomdan), Ulsan
Fee system Basic fee 200 won + 150 won per minute Basic fee 1500 won (15 minutes provided) + 100 won per minute Basic fee 500 won (20 minutes provided) + 200 won per 10 minutes
Fare for 5 minutes 950 won 1500 won 500 won
Fare for 10 minutes 1700 won 1500 won 500 won
Fare for 30 minutes 4700 won 3000 won 700 won
Normal bikes, i.e. bikes without electric assistance, are written for reference only, so let’s pay attention to electric bikes. 카카오바이크 요금


The price of Kakao T Bike varies depending on the region. 좋은뉴스

In the case of Seo-gu, Jeonju, and Ulsan in Incheon, the basic fee is KRW 200 plus an additional fee of KRW 150 per minute.

In areas other than this, the basic fee is 1,500 won plus an additional 100 won per minute.

Comparing the two, it is 1400 won in Incheon and 1500 won in other areas until 8 minutes, and from 9 minutes thereafter, Incheon and 1550 won and 1500 won in other areas are maintained, and it is cheaper to ride in other areas.

To summarize, until 8 minutes, Seo-gu, Jeonju, and Ulsan in Incheon are cheaper, and after that, other areas are cheaper. (It seems to be applicable to areas other than Songpa-do, Seoul.)


Compare rates per distance
The legal maximum speed of an electric bicycle is 25 km/h, and the maximum speed of Kakao T Bike is 20 km/h.

Let’s assume that the average speed from getting on the bike to getting off the bike is 18km/h, and we’ll assume the fare.

Divide the average speed by 60 to get 0.3 km/m. This means that it can travel 0.3 km per minute or 300 meters.

Classification Incheon Seo-gu, Jeonju, Ulsan and other areas
5km 2750 won 1700 won
10 km 5300 won 3400 won
Comparison with other means of transportation
The comparison will be based on distance.

Classification Kakao T Bike Illecle G-Cooter
(Electric Kickboard) Taxi
5km 2750/1700 KRW 2900 KRW 3900 Approximately KRW 6000
10 km 5300/3400 won 5500 won 7930 won about 12000 won
Listed in order of price

Kakao (others) < Kakao (Incheon, etc.) < G-Cooter < Taxi

In order, Kakao T Bike is the cheapest.


G-Cooter used a distance-by-distance fare calculation method and assumed an average speed of 20 km/h.

[Distance (70 won per 100m) + Time (30 won per minute)]

70*50+16*30 /5km KRW 3900

70*100+31*30 /10km KRW 7930


For Illecle, the basic fee is KRW 400 + KRW 150 per minute is deducted. As for the average speed, 18 km/h was applied as in Kakao.

400+17*150 / 5km KRW 2900

400+34*150 /10km 5,500 won


final cleanup
Among the electric ones, the Kakao T Bike belongs to the very cheap axis.